God is well aware of our needs.
Matthew 6:25-34 tells us not to worry about what we will eat or what we will wear but rather seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you, or as the NLT says, "Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need."
Our Father knows when we need food, He knows when we need clothes, He knows our needs. Our Father desires for us to bring our wants to Him, and to have faith (knowing He will) for what we ask, but our needs are another story.
"Seek Him first, and all these will follow." What does this tell us? Does it tell us to spend hours pining away for money to buy groceries? Does it tell us to strive and worry about whether tomorrows needs will be met? No, it tells us to "SEEK GOD FIRST," or in other words, "SEEK GOD!" Don't seek your needs, they will follow if you are seeking God.
When God shows up in your life because you are living to see His face only, the blessings can't help but show up too! When you seek God, all else follows. Your needs are met and beyond, and your wants will even begin manifesting before you ask because your Daddy knows your heart.
When you run to Him, run to Him, run to Him, RUN TO HIM because you want Him, then He will lavish your heart's desire on you like the loving and doting father He is. When you SEEK HIM, all gifts pale in comparison. You will be like the little girl clinging to her daddy with a new doll in her arms, a doll that would be worthless if daddy wasn't holding her too.
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