How many times have you heard that or thought that?
I have a Right to speak my mind, to eat, to think, to breathe, to live.
It is amazing how many Rights we think we have and the things we go through to keep those Rights, but did you know you really don't have any Rights?
That's right!
We don't have the Right to life, or to anything really. Everything we have ever been given that is good, or anything we will ever receive is because of Love.
Believe it or not, even the bad things that have happened to us is also because of Love.
Our Father loves us so much He gives us exactly what we ask for.
We asked God for our Rights, our independence, and when He gives it to isn't always pretty (just look at what Adam did!)
"But what about life?" you ask. "We don't have the Right to life?"
No, we have life because of God's love, not because we have a Right to life.
When we begin to fully grasp that all the good things God has given us ( life, food, clothes, salvation) are all acts of an amazing love, the greater we will come to Love God. If we could but for a moment realize that you don't deserve anything, I don't deserve anything, we have a Right to nothing and yet God, in all His amazing goodness, has done everything we have asked and more because of Love!
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
No where in that scripture does it say that Love is a Right, and yet our Father, our Abba loves us.
I was once taught that we are God's daily delight, and I reveled in that revelation, but as I began to realize the truth in "we have no Rights" my heart burst with a joy that goes deeper than just being God's daily delight.
I am, we all are, His everything. He, our Daddy, has given us more than we could possibly imagine because none of it has been deserved. God is not forced to give us anything because it is our Right, but yet He gives abundantly because of Love.
How could I ever not see God the same way again. When I thought I had a Right to be here, I was stuck in the monotony of life that even though I knew I had a purpose I was blinded by the ultimate truth. I have no Right to be here, but I am here because my Father loves me so much that He put me here. I was not a mistake because He, God, purposely put me here. There is no book I have ever read that has made this so abundantly clear to me than
The Shack
which I reviewed earlier. I do recommend reading that book, but more so, take a moment to revel in the fact that God loves you with an everlasting love, and you are here because He
wants to love you.